Audience Demographics
- #279 members
- 89% are over the age of 60
- 61% are female
Activities Open to the Public Attracting People of All Ages
#715 people attending the Senior Center each week:
- 3x a week Lunch Program: ~420 lunches each week.
- Bingo 2x a week: ~100 total per week.
- Exercise: Body Groove, Line Dancing, Fit for Life ~65 total per week.
- Creative: paint night (~ 65 per week), quilt club (~15 per week)
- Meals on Wheels lunches: ~115 per week.
Community events: #9,700 attendees each year
- Rhubarb Festival: family event attracting ~ 5,000 attendees
- Car Show: ~1,750 attendees
- Finders Market: ~200 attendees
- Sportsman Show: ~350 attendees
- Holiday Meals: Easter Buffet, St Patrick’s Day, St. Valentine Day, etc. ~2,400 attendees