Benefits of Sponsoring the La Pine Senior Activity Center
- Ongoing presence at the Senior Center enabling direct interaction:
- In a group setting where you present on topics of your choosing;
- An intimate casual one-on-one setting;
- Vendor table at events targeting your audience;
- Speaking opportunities at events;
- Increase brand awareness and present yourselves as the leader in your industry;
- Educate your prospects about your services;
Position Yourself as a Leader in Our Community
Large banner sign (you provide) predominantly displayed outside at our events:
- Rhubarb Festival
- Car Show
- Gun & Sportsman Show
- Automotive Swap Meet
- Weekend Market
Speaking Opportunities & Direct Interaction
- Hold presentation/workshop on topics of your choice at our facility. We will promote.
- Lunch line interaction: greet people in the drive thru lunch line or indoor lunch line and hand out flyers/giveaways. People queue up early and are receptive to conversations while they wait.
- Table in the lunch room: hand out flyers/giveaways.
- Host New Coffee Group: you supply coffee and a snack. Can collect donations to offset costs.
- Ice Cream Social: you supply food and host. Can collect donations to fund offset cost.
- Bingo: greet players and validate bingo wins. Can hand out flyers/giveaways.
- Deliver Meals on Wheels to engage our seniors and homebound folks.
- Co-Emcee at Events when applicable.
Printed Material Opportunities
- Monthly Newsletter Current distribution ~400.
- #1 half page ad (half of 8 ½” x 11”)
- Editorial coverage ½ page (half of 8 1/2 “ x 11”)
- Meals on Wheels flyer (you provide) reaching #115 people
- Flyers in our Resource Center, if applicable
- Logo on promotional flyers for major events
- Place your business cards on the front desk display
Exhibiting Opportunties
Free 10×10 booth, depending on event space.
Online Presence & Promotions
- Your logo on our website. #1,200 unique visitors per year.
- We will promote your special events held here on our social media and websites. #1,464 followers.