Hi everyone! It’s been a busy summer here at the La Pine Activity Center, and we anticipate a busy fall and winter season as well! Here is the latest news:
We are scheduled to get our new asphalt parking lot sometime during September, so we’re going to be closing down to allow for the paving to happen during that time. Thanks to everyone for all their help and generous donations!
As part of the paving process, we need new parking bumpers, and so we need to raise some money for these. We’ve decided to have a “Bumper Hall of Fame”, where individuals and/or businesses can get their name on a plaque to hang in the Center if they donate $50 for a bumper. These are black and white striped bumpers, about six feet long. If you would like to help, please call the Senior Center at 541-536-6237!
I would like to share with you some plans we have for right after Thanksgiving this year. We hope to have a Winter Traditions to take place November 25-27, featuring 100 vendor booths, food trucks, live music, a tree lighting celebration, and of course Mr. and Mrs. Claus who will hear the Christmas wishes of children in the community. Pictures with Santa with the kids (and bring your pets, too!) will be for sale. We will let you know in future newsletters how this event is shaping up…it all depends on getting a tent large enough and within our price range for this event.
We would like to give a big welcome back to the La Pine Chamber of Commerce, who will be holding their monthly business breakfasts during October, November and December of 2022. Make sure you sign up for these! It’s a great way to meet people in the community or just get together with friends, enjoy good food, and listen to some interesting speakers. Put it on your calendar now!
Speaking of calendars, we are in the process of putting together some for next year, with photos featuring our awesome volunteers and a different business sponsor for each month.By now you’ve probably noticed that WE HAVE A NEW LOGO! We are now officially the La Pine Activity Center, still catering mainly to our seniors, but welcoming all age groups. We feel this lets us be more inclusive, and we hope to be able to offer more events, activities, you name it. We have an awesome facility here!
That’s all for now…we would like to thank each and every one of you who have donated your time and/or funds to help us grow and continue to provide a community center for La Pine!
Jamie Donahue
Executive Director