Jean Marable has been making quilts since La Pine started its first senior center, about 40 years ago. And at 90 years old, she is one of just a few people who meet every Wednesday and Thursday at 7 am and stay until noon making the beautiful items.
“We used to have two or three quilts going at the same time, but a lot of our quilters have passed away, or they’re snowbirds, etc., so it’s down to just a few of us“ says Jean.
The Activity Center quilters would love to have more people join them, because quilting is in danger of becoming a lost art.
“Today both parents work and there’s just not enough time to engage in this art,” says Jean, “but I think we do a remarkable job of quilting and make some gorgeous quilts. We accept fabric squares and make quilts from them, putting sashing in between the squares and add batting and a backing, then finish it up by binding everything together.”
Jean and her husband have lived in La Pine about 45 years and two of their sons still live here.
“We sell or raffle off these quilts and the money goes to the Activity Center,” says Jean, “so it’s a win for everybody!”